quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2014

Everything Is Temporary, Even You!

I like to write and post my writings because I like to share my thoughts, ideas and beliefs with others, always believing that I can help someone through my personal experiences, with the understanding that I am not always right and neither, I am always wrong.

Throughout the years I’ve learned that everything is temporary, absolutely everything. Everything we believe we have today, it will be gone tomorrow; for some, tomorrow might come sooner and for others later, but eventually it will come.

I’ve seen the table turn many times, for many people and some people who were not prepared for that change, could not bear it and such change caused distress and such suffering that some people became depressive and ended tanking their own life.

What I also learned is that we must add value to our life. We must add things that will last even after we are gone, such as respect towards others, wisdom solidarity, kindness, unselfishness and love, just to name a few. We should always have an open mind towards everything, but especially in regards to other people, because we are always evolving and we never stop changing; an opinion about someone today, might not be the same tomorrow.

Be always critic of yourself, before criticizing others. I’ve learned that people judge others as if they were looking into the mirror and seeing their own image, reflecting back to them, so be careful when you judge someone, you could be condemning yourself, as the Bible teaches in Luke 6:37 and in Mathew 7:1.

Be frank to others, without being too harsh, but, be frank to yourself first, by doing that, it is possible it could change the way you see thing or people.

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

It's a great way to live better, Beautiful post...